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Sarah Diminich

Board Member

Sarah Diminich is a Board Member of Building Trust Americas. Ms. Diminich holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the College of Charleston and a master’s degree in Social and Organizational Psychology from Columbia University. After ten years of human resources and recruiting for financial services firms in New York, Ms. Diminich recently transitioned her professional life into the humanitarian sector and currently works as a recruiter for the International Rescue Committee in New York.

Ms. Diminich has seen the value that building homes and neighborhood facilities has provided to communities as a Habitat for Humanity volunteer for the past decade. Ms. Diminich first participated in a Habitat for Humanity build in Leogane, Haiti in 2011 after the 2010 earthquake which devastated that country. She instantly fell in love with the building work and community involvement that Habitat for Humanity provided and returned to Haiti to continue the building project the following year. In 2013, she participated in the Habitat for Humanity build in Staten Island, New York, to repair homes after Hurricane Sandy.

Ms. Diminich participated in her first Soacha, Colombia build with Habitat for Humanity in 2016 and fell in love with the community and people, so much so that she returned to build in Soacha in 2017 and 2018. Ms. Diminich has raised approximately $30,000 in funding for her participation in Habitat for Humanity builds, and approximately $12,000 specifically for the builds in Soacha.

Ms. Diminich is thrilled by the opportunity that Building Trust Americas has to positively impact the lives and communities of an area of Colombia she has grown to dearly love.

Sarah Diminich
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