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Community Support: COVID-19 Relief Efforts Update

Now, more than ever, we can see how much we are all part of a global community - a neighborhood where each one of us is equally human and equally deserving of access to resources to survive and thrive.

With COVID-19 continuing to spread across international borders it has now hitting areas with weaker health systems which are less prepared to combat the disease and vulnerable populations are hit the hardest by this outbreak. Such is the communiy of Ciudadela Sucre, in the municipality of Soacha, where volunteers from BTA have participated in build projects since 2013.

Earlier this year we were finalizing plans for a community park and have begun fundraising when the coronavirus outbreak began. We felt the need to act immediately. With the support of our donors, volunteers and members, we have focused our efforts on delivering urgently needed food and hygiene kits to the neediest families in Ciudadela Sucre. We have been able to act through our incredible volunteer, Theo, based in Bogota and our amazing partnership with Techo and cooperation with World Vision.

As of April 29, Techo has finalized delivery of food kits funded by our contribution. So far we were able to fund delivery of 250 kits through Techo and 50 food and hygiene kits through World Vision Colombia.

There is an urgent need for more food kits. Techo has reported that delivery this week was difficult due to protests in the territory precisely about the lack of food. Police had to get involved as there was great difficulty managing crowds.

Do you feel called to share your resources with families in need? Please consider making a contribution to support our work here:

Thank you.

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