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5 Reasons Why Volunteering is Good For You

Updated: Oct 5, 2022

“Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.” – Heather French Henry

“We are all in this together” - We say this often and still wonder what it means in our day-to-day lives. We ask, “What can I do? What can any of us do in the face of such big global forces of fear and suffering?" It’s so easy to be overwhelmed, sucked into negativity and inaction. And still, it can be just as easy to be taken in by how much people are helping. “There are more helpers now than ever” says spiritual teacher Tara Brach on her podcast. And I believe this to be true!

Volunteering is one of the ways I know how to be a helper. There are many reasons why you may choose to volunteer, but somewhere in there is a hope and a belief that our actions have the power to construct a better world, one that is based on kindness, cooperation, respect and understanding.

The definition of volunteering is giving your time, energy, even resources without the want of financial compensation. Simply said, volunteering is service to your greater community.

Here are 5 reasons to volunteer:

  1. Volunteering is empowering We are bombarded with disheartening news stories daily. The cycle can seem unrelenting and balance elusive. Lending your time, energy and skills to a greater cause presents a proactive way of doing something to make the world a better place. I believe that even the smallest gestures make a difference, and all those small gestures add up to a bigger shift. When you support a project by donating your resources, you're helping a lot.

  2. The good multiplies There must have been a time in your life when someone offered you a helping hand when you needed it. Take a moment here to remember. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to pay that forward times a hundred. The impact continues to multiply as those you help now help others, and the cycle continues.

  3. It is a gratitude practice By being of service you take the focus off of your own problems. This puts into perspective how precious it is to have the opportunity for a healthy, fulfilled life. When volunteering, you will encounter some heart-wrenching situations. Volunteering can break your heart, but can also bring it back to life. You get to realize that while life is not perfect, it's a blessing to be celebrated every day. I think this is priceless!

  4. It boosts your self esteem Volunteering has been shown to give you a sense of accomplishment. You advance thought life building social and professional skills, promoting your personal achievement. Using those skills for a greater communal impact can be even more fulfilling. And volunteering also creates opportunities to learn new skills. I leaned a lot about land rights, housing advocacy and construction while volunteering with Habitat for Humanity and Building Trust Americas. You get to step outside of your comfort zone and receive appreciation from others for your efforts.

  5. You meet new people and build community Being a part of a team with a common goal will help you form bonds with others that can be life-changing.You’re going to make new friends, nurture your sense of belonging and expand your support system.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

To me, volunteering is also about love. It is love in action. It is believing that our hearts are big enough to dream up a better world not just for ourselves, but for a whole new humanity.

I experienced love in so many ways from the very first trip to Colombia to build homes. Our build site foreman said that his true passion was singing, and launched into song. I think of Luisa telling us about her grandson, Maicol. Over several years I got to witness the sassy Jeimy start a beauty salon to support her children as a single mother. Meeting Juan changed all of our lives, he's the strong hero, locked in a wheelchair by a bullet taken for his brother. Juan checks up on us daily, sending clips and praying to God to protect each one. I remember Rosario teaching me to mix cement, working harder than anyone. I marvel at the efficiently and passion of the the San Benito Menni Community Center, which offers medical, educational and spiritual support to the community of Ciudadela Sucre. The passion of the community and the volunteers has been a gift to me over the years. And we got to dance and laugh together. I made so many lifelong friends. I first went to Colombia on an inspired impulse to share my resources, to bring funds and to work in a different way than behind a desk. In the end, I gained so much more: perspective, self-awareness and a growing community of like minded humans.

I see volunteering is an act of devotion. I am merely spiritual, not religious, so my devotion is to our planet, to kindness, compassion and connection; to alleviating suffering in myself and the world; to expanding human capacity for peace, love and joy.

“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you have any questions about our organization or how you can get involved, please post a comment or contact us through the site.

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